Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Do you want to know what orthopedic physical therapy?

Orthopedic physical therapy focuses on the problems of the muscular skeletal system (muscles, bones, ligaments or tendons). It deals with diagnosing, managing and treating injuries and conditions of the muscular and skeletal systems and rehabilitating after orthopedic operations, too.

Orthopedic Physical Therapy plays an important role in restoring the patients’ activity, strength and motion after surgery and injuries. It eliminates the patient’s deficiencies and weakness through targeted exercises. Techniques like hot/cold packs, joint mobilizations, strength training and electrical stimulation helps in treating arthritis, amputations, acute injuries and postoperative joints.

Proper stretching exercise can help a patient with stiff joint, which affect normal activity. Using strengthening exercises a patient can improve the function of his/her muscles, which increases endurance maintaining and improving the range of motions.

Deep tissues are stimulated and warmed the blood flow is increased using an ultrasound probe. The ice and heat therapy warm up and cool off muscles and contribute to the stimulation of blood circulation and help decrease swellings, too.

Although there are numerous Orthopedic Conditions which can be solved without physical therapy, yet quite often very simple exercises may help expedite the healing process, not to mention the complicated situations in which a physical therapist especially trained for, is a must. So, if you are in such situation, do not hesitate to turn to orthopedic physical therapy.

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